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  5. Domain Search Ajax

Domain Search Ajax

Ajax based domain search and Whois fully integrated with WHMCS to place orders. while whmpress_domain_search_ajax takes users input, and display the output with domains suggestions. If you want to show the domain search result on a different page (say page B) then just paste the same shortcode on Page B and place the page B URL in Search result Div/URL parameter in the shortcode on the first page.



  • html_id: add a custom id to the table element for further CSS customization.
  • html_class: CSS class to apply on main wrapper div that holds all other elements.
  • text_class: custom CSS to apply on a text box
  • button_class: custom CSS to apply on div wrapper for button
  • button_text: Text to show on the search button
  • placeholder: Placeholder text for domain text box
  • action: specify url where the form will submit, if not mentioned it will submit to the same page
  • whois_link: Yes or No to show the whois link or not. The important is that this link will only show if the searched domain is not available.
  • www_link: Yes or No to show the domain www link on domain suggestion form or not. This link will only appear if the searched domain is not available.
  • disable_domain_spinning: Yes or No to show the domain spinner or not.
  • order_landing_page:
    • 0 = This will redirect to order landing page and show the suggestions on that.
    • 1 = This will redirect to direct domain settings on the landing page.
  • order_link_new_tab:
    • 0 = Open order landing page in the same tab.
    • 1 = Open order landing page in a new tab.
  • show_price: Yes or No to show the searched domain price, suggested domains price or not.
  • show_years: Yes or No to show the years for which domain is available in the given price.
  • search_extensions:
    • 0 = Search the domain in all extensions.
    • 1 = Search the domain in extensions only listed in WHMCS.
  • enable_transfer_link: Yes or No to show the domain transfer link on domain suggestion form or not. This link will only appear if the searched domain is not available.
  • append_url: This will append custom parameters with domain order URL.

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